E-books produced by students and teachers, these books are made in the classes experimenting new technologies; it must be said that they must not be considered as texbooks; they are heterogeneous due to the different levels of students.


"Guide to the typeface for unskilled designer"
(EN - Ebook)  

Authors: Emanuel Fracasso, Gioia Baccan, Chiara Luna De Rita, Milena Marchini - Profs. Angela Pozzetti and Catia Ziggiotto

E-book created by a group students of 3Bg form (ITT - Graphics and communication) participating to the ERASMUS + project "The Production and Use of digiBooks for Learning in School and at Home" ( PUBLiSH for short), launched with the EU contribution  by a  partnership of schools belonging to Scotland, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Croatia with the Dollar Academy of Dollar (Scotland) as coordinator.

Versione: 1.1 --- 30th  may 2019

Download E-book: link


"Trascendent functions"
(IT - Ebook)

Authors: students of 4B - health curriculum and teacher Doriana Bisan

E-book addressed to fourth-class students of  professional secondary schools  who, after having previously  learned how  to solve exponential and logarithmic equations, must learn how to solve also the inequalities, in order to be able to cope with the study of transcendent functions in a context of mathematical analysis.

Versione: 1.1 --- 10th march 2019

Download E-book: link


"JUMBO - Work school alternation path"
(IT - Ebook)  

Authors: students of 3B - Administration Financial and Marketing curriculum and student Melissa Melon

We are a group of students that created a shop of sport clothes. In this book you can find all the preparatory activities and researches both economical and Marketing Made in order to open this company

Versione: 1.1 --- 20th june 2018

Download E-book: link


“Eating disorders: bulimia, obesity, anorexia "
(IT - Ebook)   

Authors: students of 3A – health curriculum and teacher Lauretta Tagliacollo

E-book produced by third year  students of the health vocational curriculum during the curriculum of psychology

Versione: 1.1 --- 30th may 2018

Download E-book: link

 lo zucchero copertina

"Sugar: the sweet and bitter side of life. A short journey between past and present"
(IT - Ebook)   

Authors: students of 3A – health curriculum and teacher Gian Luigi Castelli

Devoted to second, third and fourth year students of the health vocational curriculum; useful to other students due to the cross curricular learning

Versione: 1.1 --- 24th may 2018

Download E-book: link